Learn DBT skills online within a supportive group environment

Why take part in this group?

For some of us we may have missed out on learning and practising important skills that could help us in coping with distress, regulating our emotions or cultivating healthy relationships. A DBT skills group provides a safe space where you can begin to learn helpful skills and break destructive patterns to improve your quality of life.

Program Structure

It’s an open program, meaning you can join at various points in time, and stay for as long as you need.

  • Ongoing - Register your interest to join the next intake

  • Each module takes 6-7 weeks to complete with 2 weeks of mindfulness practice .

  • $100 sign up fee which includes your initial intake assessment. This is the chance to make sure this program is right for you. Some people benefit from individual therapy first to make sure they are ready for a group structure and that they have a solid plan for their safety.

  • Most individuals require one intake session, however in some cases a person may need 1-3 sessions to ensure they feel prepared to undertake the program. If this is the case, your therapist will discuss this with you in your initial session. Additional sessions are charged at $100 per session.

  • $100 per week to access your 1hr online skills group, 1 hr online small work group session and weekly learning content.

  • Access to tailored resources to keep.

  • We recommend that participants also consider individual therapy/ coaching support at the same time and we can assist with this.

How is this program different to other DBT groups?

Flexible lower-cost payments

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy at a glance

We're big believers in accessibility. Unlike other programs we don't require the full program fee up front; so you can pay as you go and cancel anytime.

Complete the full program or just the modules that interest you

You can apply to join at anytime and stay for only as long as you need. Even if that is just one module, it's completely up to you.

The program is 100% online with no in-person attendance required

Unlike other programs, you don't need to travel into the clinic. You can attend your weekly sessions online from the comfort of your own home.

What you can expect to learn during this program

A team of DBT trained psychologists will teach skills to help with:

  • Mindfulness Practice

    Teach you to become more aware of the present moment. You learn to focus on one thing at a time, without judging yourself or others.

  • Distress Tolerance

    When difficult situations arise, instead of reacting in ways that can make the discomfort worse or result in getting stuck in thought patterns that don’t help you process the situation, distress tolerance teaches acceptance and constructive ways forward. .

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Learn the skills to create healthy relationships while taking care of yourself. Interpersonal effectiveness includes working through conflict, listening well, and clearly asking for what you need.

  • Emotion Regulation

    Emotion regulation skills help you to identify, understand, express, process and move through your emotions without crisis or anxiety.

Why are DBT skills so important?

What is DBT?

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy at a glance

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is an evidenced based therapy for people who can experience emotions as very painful and intense, and then use ways of coping that can further reinforce this pain. DBT aims to help people accept and have compassion for their struggles, while also holding hope for the possibility of change. It also recognises that you are doing the best you can, surviving and coping and that there are lots of reasons why you may have missed out on learning and practicing these skills.

Why is it important to learn these skills?

Through a DBT program you will learn valuable skills

Coping with painful experiences, emotions and relationships can be a really isolating experience. It can lead to coping in ways that are self-destructive in an attempt to understand or de-escalate emotions. This often reinforces the isolation and can compound distress.

What skills will I learn?

You'll learn the full suite of DBT skills

Within this program, we will cover mindfulness practice, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and emotion regulation. It's an open program, meaning you can apply to join at different intakes and stay for as long as you like.

Not sure if this program is for you?

This program has been designed for people who:

Need to fit group therapy around work/ family commitments

Have a hard time dealing with their emotions

Notice patterns in how they cope that seem to make things worse

Notice that their emotions are intense or explosive

Regularly experience mood swings

Notice that their relationships feel like a roller coaster

Feel empty or hopeless

Notice that their life feels out of control or isn’t fulfilling

Notice that they're using ways to cope that could pose risk to themselves
Value learning/ supporting others 

Are ready to commit to work on change

About Axis Clinic

Axis Clinic is located in the Brisbane suburbs of New Farm and Annerley. We are a collaborative team of Psychologists, Mental Health Social Workers, Dietitians and Psychiatrists

Emergency Support

If you or someone you know is in crisis or if you need immediate help, please contact your nearest hospital or call 000.

Seeking Support

We're here to listen when you need us

Most of our courses are designed to be general in nature and are not a substitute for individualised therapy, diagnosis or consultation with a mental health professional. If you are going through a difficult time and feel that you need to reach out to someone for support, we recommend seeking help from a qualified mental health professional. To book an appointment with a clinician in one of our Brisbane clinics, please contact us.
Two people having a conversation